Investment Bond

The product available through this website is for investors who understand the relationship between risk and reward and are not looking for financial advice.
We provide an execution only service for investors who are looking for a low cost product that has access to a wide range of investment funds.
The only contract available on these terms is with Zurich Life and for that reason is not be be interpreted as a recommendation.
The value of your investment can fall as well as rise, regardless of which investment option you choose. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.
The Euro value of overseas assets can rise and fall as a result of exchange rate fluctuations.
As is the case with other product providers, charges may be altered in the future. Should this situation arise, you will be informed of any change in writing by Zurich Life.
The returns from investment linked funds are directly linked to the performance of the assets in which the funds are invested.
The asset mix of Actively Managed Funds are continuously reviewed and may be changed in line with developments in relevant markets.

Investment Funds
Active Asset Allocation
Active Fixed Income
American Select (Columbia Threadneedle)
Asia Pacific Equity
Cautiously Managed
Dividend Growth
Dynamic Diversified Growth (BlackRock)
Emerging Markets Opportunities (J.P. Morgan)
Euro Inflation-Linked Intermediate Duration Fixed Income (Dimensional)
Eurozone Equity
Global Short-term Investment Grade Fixed Income (Dimensional)
Global Small Companies (Dimensional)
Global Sustainability Core Equity (Dimensional)
Global Value Fund (Dimensional)
Indexed Eurozone Equity (BlackRock)
Indexed Global Equity (BlackRock)
Indexed TopTech 100
International Equity
Irish Equity
Long Bond
Medium Duration Corporate Bond
Prisma Low
Prisma 2
Prisma 3
Prisma 4
Prisma 5
Prisma Max
Property Fund
Protected 70
Protected 80
World Allocation 20/80 (Dimensional)
World Allocation 40/60 (Dimensional)
World Allocation 60/40 (Dimensional)
World Allocation 80/20 (Dimensional)
World Equity (Dimensional)
5 Star 5 Americas
5 Star 5 Asia Pacific
5 Star 5 Europe
5 Star 5 Global
Highlighted Funds have an Annual Management Charge of 0.65%
All other funds carry additional fund charges of between 0.15% and 0.7%
Product Features
The product is underwritten by Zurich Life
Investment Bond allows you to invest in a minimum lump sum of €5,000 and max of €200,000
There are no initial/entry or surrender/exit charges on the 0.75% AMC option
The allocation rate is 101% so the current Government Levy is covered
Maximum age at entry is 85
There are up to 30 funds available at an annual management charge of (Option 1) - 0.65% or (Option 2) - 0.75% (You choose at outset)
The regulated entity is paid 0.15% of the 0.65% by Zurich Life. For the 0.75% version the payment can be up to 2% of the initial investment
You can choose Actively Managed, Index Tracker (Passive) and Multi-asset Funds
You can change the profile of your investment by making a fund switch. There are 4 free switches in any 12 month period
You don’t pay a broker fee to set up the investment
On 1 January 2018 new EU legislation - Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products Regulation (PRIIPs) - will be applicable in the Irish market, governing the pre-sales process for savings and investment products.
The costs quoted in this document are generic and not specific to the product available through this website